When people learn about Property Assessed Clean Energy, more commonly called PACE, the most common response is “Why wouldn’t we do it?” That was the response made by Kalamazoo County commissioner Dale Shugars after listening to a proposal for the adoption of PACE earlier this year.
The answer to Commissioner Shugars’ question came last week as the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to become a countywide Property Assessed Clean Energy district.
“Kalamazoo is the third local government to join in four weeks and the fourth in 2015, making the county the 16th local government taking advantage of PACE through Lean & Green Michigan.” (article)
During a recent proposal for a business energy efficiency renovation that utilized PACE, the CEO and CFO responded with: “Why wouldn’t we do this?” That project is now underway!
Why do county commissioners continue to vote unanimously to approve PACE? Why do business owners also repeatedly approve projects by asking “Why wouldn’t we do this?
The reason, as explained by Lean & Green Michigan, is this: “Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) offers long-term, fixed-rate financing solutions for energy efficiency, water efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. The savings generated from such projects exceed the PACE loan repayments, thereby generating immediate positive cash flow for property owners.”
When Property Assessed Clean Energy is fully understood by policy makers, business leaders, and commercial property owners – projects launch, energy savings result, property values increase and businesses improve their cash flow.
“Understanding the mechanics of PACE does take time but it is truly a paradigm shift for financing energy efficient projects and for any organization interested in saving energy.” Scott Ringlein, Energy Alliance Group (EAG) CEO and Founder
One of the primary goals of EAG is to foster PACE education and understanding. With that goal in mind, a panel discussion has been organized that will discuss all aspects of PACE. Contractors, business owners, energy managers and sustainability advisers will learn how to implement this powerful program. To learn more about the free event here is the link: Keeping PACE With Energy Efficiency in Michigan.
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) is advancing quickly throughout Michigan and will be the driving force behind many energy efficient renovations of businesses and buildings!
The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan is a leader in clean energy PACE project development and financing.
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